It’s been quite the learning curve…
Since the government advised people to work from home where possible in mid-March, I have moved to teaching all my students online via video call.
After a researching the options, and taking advice from teachers in countries prone to heavy snow(!), I have chosen to use Zoom for all my lessons.
For existing students, this means your lessons will be at the normal time, give or take, unless we have agreed otherwise. You can check the online lesson policy on the student area, and there is a guide to setting up Zoom on this blog. Your Zoom details will be in your notes each week, along with the shared Dropbox folder for resources.
My timetable is full at the moment, but my waiting list is still open. If I have space to take on new students during this period, I will happily do so. I don’t plan to continue teaching online when the social distancing measures are no longer needed, so I would expect any new students to convert to in-person lessons.
At the moment, the evidence from the few studies into singing suggest that it is especially likely to spread Coronavirus. Singing pushes air much further and with more droplets than normal speaking and breathing. I am also in a higher risk category as I have asthma. This means that Discover Singing will not be returning to in-person lessons until such time as social distancing measures are not needed because of a vaccine, effective treatments or sufficient herd immunity.
Once the social distancing measures are recinded, I will contact all my active students about the process for returning to in-person lessons.
This is a difficult time for everyone. I hope that you are able to find space to enjoy singing and making music.