Take a friday pause
Advent begins this weekend, and with it so does the season of Christmas carols and winter concerts. Stay tuned for an advent series on the history of Christmas song. For singers this can be a trying time of year, so stay warm and hydrated. If you’re not out tonight, take a look around at some of these great posts and articles.

Posts on learning

Digging deeper to facilitate learning thorny passages (Beyond the Notes) – why taking the time to really know your music can help you learn better.

What motivates you to turn up for choir (Chris Rowbury) – Clue: it’s some of the same things that will see you succeed as a singer!

How to Reduce Practice Room Angst (and Boost Creativity) (Bulletproof Musician) – and don’t we all want to know how to do that?

Overcoming Mental Limitations (Jazz Advice) – A long and detailed post on how to push through those negative thoughts and perform to your very best.

Tilted Larynx (Wonder of Voice) – a technical post, but one which explains very well what tilting the larynx is all about!

Posts on teaching

How To Play “Where’s Wolfgang” in Your Piano Studio Waiting Room (Teach Piano Today) – A lovely game to keep bored students or siblings happy while they’re waiting for their lesson!

Posts about other things

Battling for Britten (Dr Marc’s Blog) – is Benjamin Britten the greatest English composer of all time? Who else is in the running?

Music in the News

Gove: ‘I have the worst taste in music of anyone I know’ (ITV)

Ofsted challenges Music Education Hubs but it is the government’s attitude to music and arts education that will handcuff them (Local Schools Network)

Education bosses hit out at Ofsted over music lessons (Birmingham Mail)


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